Unlock Your Full Potential


Welcome to our services page, where we offer a range of transformative and personalized services designed to help you optimize your energy flow and elevate your vibrational frequency. Our expert practitioners are committed to providing you with personalized care and support, using cutting-edge scalar wave technology and modalities to help you unlock your full potential.

Energy Flow Analysis and Energy Flow Sessions are two of our flagship services that are designed to assess and optimize the energy flow within your biofield or energy field, allowing you to experience greater balance, harmony, and well-being. Whether you're dealing with emotional challenges, or simply looking to improve your overall sense of well-being, our Energy Flow Analysis and Energy Flow Sessions can help.

Our Vibrational Frequency Analysis services are also designed to help you understand and optimize the energetic patterns within your life and environment. Our individual Vibrational Frequency Analysis service provides you with a comprehensive evaluation of your vibrational frequency, helping you to identify any imbalances or blockages that may be holding you back.

Our Lifetime Vibrational Frequency Analysis service provides you with support and guidance, allowing you to track your progress throughout your life and make positive changes as needed.

If you're looking to improve the vibrational frequency of your home or office, our Vibrational Frequency Analysis (Home or Office) and Vibrational Frequency Boost (Home or Office) services are ideal. Our expert practitioners can help you understand the energetic patterns and influences within your space, allowing you to make positive changes that support your overall well-being.

For those interested in understanding the vibrational frequency and true intention of a particular company, our Vibrational Frequency Analysis (Company) service can help. We'll evaluate the company's overall vibrational frequency, integrity, credibility, transparency, relationships, philanthropy, clarity, alignment with divine purpose, and even their website's frequency, providing you with valuable insights and guidance allowing you to make positive changes that support your overall well-being.

We believe that optimal well-being is about more than just physical health. It's about cultivating a deep sense of peace, balance, and connection within yourself and your environment. Let us help you achieve your wellness goals and unlock your full potential. Book a session today and experience the transformative power of our unique services.




Energy Flow Services


 Energy Flow Analysis


Our precise assessment is prepared ahead of time using scalar waves, allowing us to identify any blockages or imbalances that may be causing stagnation and impacting your overall well-being. 

Our Energy Flow Analysis service includes a comprehensive evaluation of your biofield or energy field, including your soul and color light resonance, negative influences, karma, biofield/aura, miracle meridians, and soul gate interferences. This assessment allows us to identify any energetic interferences that may be contributing to emotional, or spiritual challenges in your life.

By investing in Energy Flow Analysis, you're taking a powerful step towards greater clarity, balance, and vitality in your life.

In addition to our comprehensive assessment, this booking includes a 15-minute call to discuss your results with our expert practitioners. We'll provide you with insights and guidance on how to maintain and enhance the vibrational frequency of your energy field, allowing you to experience the transformative power of high vibrational energy.

Experience the transformative power of Energy Flow Analysis today and start living your best life. Don't wait - book your session now and unlock the full potential of your energy field!


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Energy Flow Boost
(3 Month Package)


Our Energy Flow Boost service is designed to help you optimize the energy flow within your biofield or energy field and achieve greater balance, harmony, and well-being. Our expert practitioners use cutting-edge technology and modalities, including remote scalar wave sessions, to help you unlock your full potential and experience transformative results.

Our Energy Flow Boost package is a comprehensive 3-month program that includes a follow-up to your Energy Flow Analysis report, allowing us to tailor our quasessions to your specific needs and goals. You'll receive a total of 12 remote quantum sessions over the course of 3 months, providing you with ongoing support and guidance as you work towards optimal energy flow and wellness.

At the end of the 3-month program, you'll receive a final comparison report that will help you track your progress and celebrate your achievements.

Investing in our Energy Flow Boost package is a powerful step towards greater clarity, balance, flow, and vitality in your life. You'll experience the transformative power of high vibrational energy, allowing you to overcome blockages, release negative influences, and cultivate a deep sense of peace, balance, harmony, and connection within yourself and your environment.

Don't wait! Book your Energy Flow Boost package today and start living your best life. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your highest potential by optimizing the energy flow within your biofield or energy field. Experience the power of our services and unlock the full potential of your energy field!


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Vibrational Frequency Services

Learn the Secrets of your Vibrational Frequency to live your best life!

If you haven't already done so, check out my weekly series Vibrational Revelations to better understand the services below. 

 Vibrational Frequency Analysis PDF


This reading includes a PDF of all your vibrational frequencies plus a 34 page report. You will receive it via email within 7 business days of purchase (during the holidays, please allow 2-4 weeks). You will also receive a video with explanations, common questions, and what to do next.

You can buy as many of these as you'd like... we can check your own frequencies, read a friend, family member, employee, boss, or anyone else you'd like to know the frequencies for (you will need to fill out their information, upload their picture, and sign a NDA acknowledging that this reading is for YOUR knowledge only).

Each analysis includes:

  • Frequency now, in utero, and at birth
  • Emotions in utero
  • Frequency in health, finances, creativity, relationships, personal growth, philanthropy, intuition (plus clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, and claircognizance)
  • Frequency in intelligence quotients (intelligence IQ, emotional EQ, social SQ, and adversity AQ)
  • Percentages in the joy, in the ego (superior and inferior), in the now, integrity, self-awareness, clarity, alignment with divine purpose, alignment with personal purpose, compassion, empathy, and energy purity
  • Dimensions

NEW UPGRADE! Each analysis now also includes service to self, service to others, connection to mind, connection to body, connection to soul, integrity to self, integrity to others, relationship to self, relationship to others, and current activated emotions

Upgrade Option: If you would like to discuss your results with one of us, please also book a 15 minute call here: Zoom Call with Elena or Alejandro.


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 Lifetime Vibrational Frequency Analysis


Already had your Vibrational Frequency Analysis and want to dive even deeper?

With the Lifetime Frequency Analysis Bonus, we will uncover when and how your vibrational frequency shifted and dropped during your lifetime (pinpointing the root cause with key events, emotions, and situations that contributed to it). It is simply going back in time. Journey throughout earlier years of your life to discover information that can improve where you are now. We each have experienced and learned certain lessons during our lifetime, and it can be extremely helpful to remember the lessons and experiences you’ve had in previous years to assist you in moving forward toward a brighter future in this lifetime. This vibrational frequency reading is gentle and supported. We simply access and reveal memories that are already part of who you are and show you that you have free will to accept, embrace, and process them.

This session is designed for you if you want to:

  • Experience big picture insights into your soul’s journey
  • Find out information from your past experiences that play a role in your present
  • Heal old wounds from past experiences or relationships
  • Activate abilities and talents you didn’t know you had
  • Form an alliance with yourself and become a synchronized whole
  • Understand your life’s purpose and passion on a new level
  • Improve the balance and well-being of your mind, body, and soul

This transformational reading is very powerful in helping you understand yourself on a deeper level. The experience is all in love and light. Allow us to guide you to discover powerful revelations from your earlier years that can help you thrive in this lifetime and beyond.


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 Frequency Compatibility Analysis


Welcome to Frequency Compatibility Analysis - the ultimate tool for discovering the secrets of your relationship and reigniting your connection with your partner!

Our personalized report is the answer to all your deepest relationship questions. Within 7 business days of purchasing our service, you'll receive a comprehensive PDF of all your vibrational frequencies via email.

Our analysis includes 9 frequency analysis data points for you and your partner, including overall vibrational frequency, relationships, creativity, finances, personal growth, philanthropy, emotional quotient, adversity quotient, and alignment with divine purpose. This information will give you a complete picture of your relationship and allow you to identify areas that require attention and improvement.

By understanding your unique vibrational frequencies, you'll discover exactly what aspects of your life to address so you can reignite deeper appreciation for each other and experience more joy in your life!

Our personalized report is easy to understand and comes with a total percentage of your relationship compatibility. With this information, you'll have a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses as a couple, allowing you to create a solid foundation for a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Don't wait any longer to reignite the spark in your relationship! Purchase a Frequency Compatibility Analysis today and start experiencing the benefits of a more connected and fulfilling relationship.


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 Vibrational Frequency Analysis Recheck


Welcome to Vibrational Frequency Analysis Recheck - the ultimate tool for tracking your progress on your spiritual journey and identifying where you have shifted!

If you've already had your Vibrational Frequency Analysis, and you want to recheck to see where you have shifted, our service is perfect for you!

Our analysis will recheck your current overall energy frequency signature, your levels in health (plus connection to mind, body, and soul), finances, creativity, relationships (plus relationship to self and others), personal growth, philanthropy, service to self and others, intuition (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairaudience), and intelligence (intelligence, emotional, social, and adversity consciousness). We'll also assess your overall percentages of joy, in the now, in the ego, integrity (plus integrity to self and others), compassion, empathy, energy purity, how aligned you are with your divine and personal purpose, and your current activated emotions.

Our report will give you a complete picture, allowing you to track your progress on your spiritual journey and identify where you have shifted. You'll receive a PDF of your vibrational frequencies via email within 1-2 weeks, so you can quickly see your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Please note that our rechecks do NOT include a Zoom call. However, our report is easy to understand, and you'll receive all the information you need to track your progress and continue on your spiritual journey.

Don't wait any longer to track your progress and see where you have shifted since your last analysis! Purchase a Vibrational Frequency Analysis Recheck today and start living the life you were meant to live!


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 Vibrational Frequency Analysis (House or Office)


Vibrational Frequency Analysis (House or Office), a powerful service that provides a 15-minute one-on-one consultation to help you understand where your house or office stands on a vibrational frequency level.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your home or office's energetic frequency?

During your reading, you'll gain valuable insights into the energetic vibrational frequency of your place of residence or work. We will also address any potential EMF influences (electromagnetic fields) and identify any negative influences from low vibrational entities that may be present.

With this information, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your home or office is affecting your overall well-being and the energetic flow within your space. By identifying and addressing any negative influences, you can take proactive steps to enhance the positive energy within your home or office, creating a more harmonious and balanced living environment.

Investing in Vibrational Frequency Analysis (House or Office) is a powerful step towards creating a more mindful, healthy, and balanced lifestyle. Let us guide you towards a more harmonious and a higher vibrational frequency home or office today.


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 Vibrational Frequency Boost (House or Office)


Welcome to our follow-up service, Vibrational Frequency Boost, designed to enhance the energy and vibrational frequency of your home or company. This service includes four remote scalar wave high vibrational frequency sessions, a comparison report, and a 15-minute call to answer any questions you may have.

At the core of this service is the use of scalar waves, a form of energy that operates at the subatomic level, to raise the vibrational frequency of your space. Our expert practitioners will remotely conduct four sessions to create a high vibrational field that supports the energetic flow within your home or office.

You'll also receive a comparison report that tracks the progress of your space's vibrational frequency, allowing you to see the positive impact of our work. Finally, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your progress with our expert practitioners during a 15-minute call, where we can answer any questions and provide guidance on how to maintain and enhance the vibrational frequency of your space.

Investing in Vibrational Frequency Boost is a powerful step towards creating a more harmonious, balanced, and healthy living or working environment. Our remote sessions are designed to help you achieve a higher vibrational frequency within your space, promoting overall well-being and positive energy flow.

Let us help you elevate the energy flow and vibrational frequency of your home or office today with Vibrational Frequency Boost.


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 Vibrational Frequency Analysis (Company)


With this 15 minute reading, you will understand where the company is on a consciousness level. It’s time to learn the secrets of the company's vibrational frequency.

Here are the steps we will take during the company's analysis:

  • Discover the company's present energetic vibrational frequency and the frequency when it was first established
  • Discover the company's integrity, transparency, credibility, and philanthropy levels
  • Discover where the company stands in regards to relationships and clarity
  • Discover the company's alignment with divine purpose and its mission
  • Discover the company website's overall vibrational frequency


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"The sessions with Alejandro have been a beautiful journey of inner development and profound work. Following the reading of my vibrational frequencies, I started working with Alejandro, focusing on several areas. Working with him has been truly inspirational! He has a kind personality and super positive energy. Alejandro has equipped me with the necessary tools to be able to overcome my deepest fears and limiting beliefs. He is very knowledgeable and inspiring, and always manages to make you feel completely empowered! He has taught me how to become aware and let go of any resistance to stay in the flow, allowing me to keep my vibrations high. I can really feel a fabulous transformation in the way I see and perceive the world around me! I will always be very grateful for his insights and encouragements to trust myself and my intuition. By the end of our sessions, I could already feel the increase in my overall vibrational frequency, especially in the areas we had focused on. It has truly been an honour and pleasure working with Alejandro and I will always be very grateful for his genuine interest and dedication."
-Ainhoa Challenor

"Seems words may not fully capture the experience of working with Alejandro. He has such an innate ability to bring forth what already lies within, in a way that is gentle yet empowering. If you're ready to bring forth your greatest self and to start living a life of significance in a way you have not before, I highly urge you to consider working with Alejandro. There is great wisdom, possibility, and transformation in this partnership and process."
Reshma Patel, M.D.

"Alejandro has helped me to increase my joy and greatly improved my overall vibration and quality of life. His warm, encouraging approach makes our sessions and the overall experience thoroughly enjoyable. He is always kind and loving and genuinely cares about people. You can really feel his support when you work with him. As the CEO of my own company, I have been able to expand the way I think about my role and business. There is a crystal clear clarity now, almost a bird's eye view that I couldn't quite attain before. Day-to-day business flows more easily, and I've been able to effortlessly attract the right people and opportunities to me. It feels like I am "in the flow" and "on the right track" now. I also notice a greater authenticity and ease in working with clients and the internal team, with a lot more laughter, which is super fun and refreshing. In my personal life, self-care has taken higher priority and I breeze through my day now with a palpable feeling of greater self-love and respect. With the people in my life, I feel more ease and lots more laughter there too! After the initial 3 months, I re-registered for another round of sessions as I feel an immediate and substantial improvement in my energy and overall life. Thank you, Alejandro. It is a true blessing to have the good fortune of meeting you and I look forward to the next chapter."
-Cari Cole, CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls

"I started to work with Alejandro and Elena on my level of consciousness back in March 2020. They analyzed my levels from birth to the current. They further described how occurrences occurred in my life to cause dips in my consciousness. Occurrences that no one in my life knew about except me, but made perfect sense. After the detailed analysis, my soul wanted to raise to where it was supposed to be. Therefore, I worked with Alejandro on how to heal, forgive, and accept these occurrences.  After a few months of work and journaling, I felt the shift! Early in August, I shifted back into Love! I feel more balanced, happier, and have extra clarity. I can't say things do not bother me anymore, but they bother me significantly less. I am so happy I made this journey with them! With Gratitude."
Loralee Koontz, MPAS, PA-C

"It started for me with a Vibrational Frequency Reading in November and I then had my LIFETIME Vibrational Frequency reading done two weeks later. All I can say is, “WOAH!” I was totally captivated. In that moment of receiving the reading from Alejandro and Elena (as to where I was in my present life on the consciousness scale) I was amazed and proud to witness the hero’s journey that I have been on (for about 30+ years). With such gratitude for their gift to humanity (vibrational frequency readings) it validated so much for me and I wanted to go deeper and learn more about how to shift even higher towards joy and a greater connection to my higher self on the consciousness scale. As I reflected on the lifetime reading, I began to understand all the ups and downs and pain and joy in the 57 years of my life. The decision to work with Alejandro has been a gift for me and a priceless investment to attain a greater connection to my divine purpose and personal purpose. What can I say? It has been very rewarding. XO Alejandro has guided me and helped me re-connect to ME (my soul) by clearing energy that no longer served me. Alejandro brought an awakening and awareness to my subconscious thoughts that would keep me within my mind (Ego). Alejandro also showed me the power of visualization within Quantum Meditations and how powerful it is when you expand your mind into this frequency/dimension and literally FEEL the emotion attached to these possibilities. Alejandro has helped me learn how to surrender into my Higher Self and TRUST my intuition to tap into these messages from God/Universe/Guides. I’m forever grateful for my soul journey and to have discovered Alejandro (and Elena) along this path to re-connect with the divinity of all there is. God Bless you dear ones."
-Kelly Childs, Co-Funder @Kelly’s Bake Shoppe

"The weeks together with Alejandro's guidance has been a journey back to a more heartfelt path and life. I really can't say what he did. It was more something that occured in his presence, like a gentle, inspiring breeze leading me back home - into my heart and into a peaceful state of mind. After today's last session, I felt ready to continue my life with the help and companionship of my own inner guidance. This journey has been amazing. Alejandro came into my life at the exact right moment. I started the journey in a very lonely place, and arrived in gratefulness and joy. Thank you Alejandro 🙏✨"
Cecilia Rydelen

"Alejandro is simply wonderful! I immediately felt comfortable with Alejandro, I felt he was someone I could trust. I wasn't sure what to expect, so I was a bit anxious. But that anxiety melted away in the first few minutes of talking to Alejandro. His energy is calm and balanced, it made me feel safe and helped me relax. My experience with Alejandro was deep and meaningful. This journey has helped me reconnect with my inner self on a completely different level. I am very grateful to Alejandro for his work and the energy he puts into it. He is talented, professional, insightful, enlightened, and a delightful person. He shines of light!"
Elena Pristavka

“Alejandro helped me realign energetically with my bigger purpose. On a tactical/business level, my thinking has expanded and I am forming bigger plans, breezing through things I considered obstacles/blocks in the past, and creating incredible new opportunities, both in business and my personal life. I find myself relating to people more easily and authentically, making my interactions deeper and more engaging. Events and circumstances feel less arbitrary and more aligned. It has been rewarding on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.”
Vera Anderson, Finance & Business Strategist

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